Last week Kelly Rowland held a charity event in Houston in support of her new foundation “I heart My Girlfriends”. Her former Destiny’s Child bandmate Letoya Luckett as well as Lala Vazquez and DJ Brandy Garcia came out to support the event that included beauty tips, music, a fashion show and step show.
Other celebs at the event included Ashanti, Kim Kardashian, Gayle King, Tyson Beckford and Estelle
Kim Kardashian and Lorraine Schwartz
Gayle King
Estelle on the pink carpet
Model Tyson Beckford
Jennifer Hudson has slimmed down tremendously since she first burst onto the scene as a contestant on America Idol in 2004.
The singer and Oscar winning actress is looking slimmer than she ever has, and her remarkable transformation even helped score her a lucrative gig as the new Weight Watchers spokesperson.
Now Jennifer is taking her weight loss message to the masses, launching the third annual Lose For Good campaign yesterday in New York.
Great shape:Jennifer Hudson has dropped five dress sizes and transformed her body radically. She credits her new body to following the Weight Watchers programme and hitting the gym five times a week
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What Is Biofuels?
Biofuels have been around as long as cars have. At the start of the 20th century, Henry Ford planned to fuel his Model Ts with ethanol, and early diesel engines were shown to run on peanut oil.
But discoveries of huge petroleum deposits kept gasoline and diesel cheap for decades, and biofuels were largely forgotten. However, with the recent rise in oil prices, along with growing concern about global warming caused by carbon dioxide emissions, biofuels have been regaining popularity.
Gasoline and diesel are actually ancient biofuels. But they are known as fossil fuels because they are made from decomposed plants and animals that have been buried in the ground for millions of years. Biofuels are similar, except that they're made from plants grown today.
Much of the gasoline in the United States is blended with a biofuel—ethanol. This is the same stuff as in alcoholic drinks, except that it's made from corn that has been heavily processed. There are various ways of making biofuels, but they generally use chemical reactions, fermentation, and heat to break down the starches, sugars, and other molecules in plants. The leftover products are then refined to produce a fuel that cars can use.
Countries around the world are using various kinds of biofuels. For decades, Brazil has turned sugarcane into ethanol, and some cars there can run on pure ethanol rather than as additive to fossil fuels. And biodiesel—a diesel-like fuel commonly made from palm oil—is generally available in Europe.
On the face of it, biofuels look like a great solution. Cars are a major source of atmospheric carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas that causes global warming. But since plants absorb carbon dioxide as they grow, crops grown for biofuels should suck up about as much carbon dioxide as comes out of the tailpipes of cars that burn these fuels. And unlike underground oil reserves, biofuels are a renewable resource since we can always grow more crops to turn into fuel.
Unfortunately, it's not so simple. The process of growing the crops, making fertilizers and pesticides, and processing the plants into fuel consumes a lot of energy. It's so much energy that there is debate about whether ethanol from corn actually provides more energy than is required to grow and process it. Also, because much of the energy used in production comes from coal and natural gas, biofuels don't replace as much oil as they use.
For the future, many think a better way of making biofuels will be from grasses and saplings, which contain more cellulose. Cellulose is the tough material that makes up plants' cell walls, and most of the weight of a plant is cellulose. If cellulose can be turned into biofuel, it could be more efficient than current biofuels, and emit less carbon dioxide.
source :
tag : what is biofuel, the advantage of biofuels, how biofuel work, energy alternative
Kathy Griffin Looks Better Than Me In A Bikini
Harvest City :: Membangun Kembali Kota Haiti
Tentu anda masih ingat peristiwa bencana gempa bumi Haiti beberapa waktu lalu, yang merenggut ribuan jiwa. Gempa bumi yang berkekuatan 7 SR ini telah memporak porandakan negara kecil di Amerika tengah yang berbatasan langsung dengan Laut Karibia ini.
Nah, seorang arsitek berma,a E. Kevin Schopfer dan Tangram 3DS telah membuat sebuah disain arsitek untuk negara korban gempa ini. Mereka merancang sebuah kota yang memungkinkan warganya mampu mengembangkan industri dan sekaligus menopang kebutuhan kehidupan mereka sehari - hari. Yang paling penting dari disain ini adalah konsep ramah lingkungan yang mereka angkat. Kota ini mereka sebut HARVEST CITY, yang berarti Kota Panen :D. Kota ini direncanakan akan mampu menopang 30.000 KK dengan sebuah prinsip arsitektur yang mereka sebut Arcology ( kombinasi antara arsitektur dan ekology).
Kota ini bukan hanya sebagai tempat untuk tinggal saja bagi warga setempat. Namun, kota ini juga dipersiapkan untuk mampu menopang kegiatan agrikultural (sesuai dengan namanya :D), dan mampu menyediakan lapangan pekerjaan yang layak bagi warga setempat.
Untuk lebih jelasnya, silahkan lihat foto - foto rencana kota ini.
Tampilan Atas Harvest City Jika dilihat dari Udara |
Bentuk Rumah - rumah dalam Harvest City |
Kota Tengah Laut Ini dihubungkan dengan jalan - jalan yang membelah lautan |
Model Rumah Dalam Harvest City |
Disain Rumah Harvest City dilihat dari atas |
Kebun Dalam Harvest City |
Harvest City yang berbentuk lingkaran besar |
source :
The Science Of Attraction
The face on the left is a prototype created by a computer representing an "attractive" female. The face on the right is the prototype for an "unattractive" female. The criteria found to make a female more attractive included:
Suntanned skin
Above is the prototype of a woman morphed to be 50% "childlike" |
Above is a prototype morphed to be 20% "childlike" |
Above is the prototype of a woman with 100% "adult features" |
SEO DOCTOR :: FREE Firefox Add-Ons For Blogger
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- Page Rank of the page.
- Meta Description of the website.
- Images attribute alt. Every image on the page, better if be installed a tag or a description.
- The pages category, SEO Friendly or NOT!
Seo Doctor Apearance |
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You can download it directly from the main website