The Most Beautiful and Cool Picture From the Space

Space is the huge "space" in the universe. There are many kind of things fly or hover on a organized position. The million of galaxy, billion of stars, and million billion planet there. And the earth, our planet, is just like a dot or a sand in the wide desert, even less than it. Even our star, sun, is the least star in our galaxy.

Many invention and observation about the space and everything on it, lead us to know that there are a lot of miracle there. Let's start form the beginning of universe. The whole theory, and the scientist theory conclude that long time ago, a big exploding happened. And it caused the creation of space and time. The scientist was named it "Big Bang".

After that, billion of chemical reaction, nuclear reaction, and other occurances happened. And the space and everything on it was created.
Now days, we can see the space directly from the observation satellite that published by NASA or other Space Observation Organizations.
Below are some images that show us how cool the space are. Check it out!!!

Sun Partical Eclipse that appear when the position of sun, earth, and moon on a line, but uncomplete yet. So, it was look like a broken pee. :D. This photo was captured on July 22, 2009, Hyderabad, Pakistan

Mercury Flyby, this image was captured on October 6, 2008, when the Mercury Flyby expedition

Square Nebula, this picture was captured by Hubble Telescope on 2001

Sun Tongue, Actually it was a nuclear explosion on the surface of the sun.

The Supernova, I can't explain more than it, you can read the complete explanation on the Wikipedia

I don't know what it is, but it's really beautiful and cool!!!

The Ring around the Exploding star. Whatever is that, it's very very very coollll!!! I guess the ring appear caused of the radiation of its explosion, and the particle around it fly over and become a beautiful stuff.??? :D

Flowing Martian Sand Dunes.. I'm sure you will think that it is the kind of water or liquid, but it is sand. This amazing phenomenon happen in mars, the sand flow by the wind, and make the liquid like movement

The jewels in the space,.. It's really a joke, but science joke. You cannot and never touch them, even more wear it, you will die before you reach them.. hahaha :D

The Pillar Of Creation

Below are many photo that were took by Hubble.. !

After you see the cool images above, what do you think about the space??


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