Brandon Spikes Video

ENTERTAINMENT NEWS:Brandon Spikes is currently a linebacker for the New England Patriots, and can be a former star player for the Florida Gators. A video has not long ago surfaced that’s reportedly Spikes and another woman engaging in sexual conduct for the website Chatroulette.


Brandon Spikes Video

Brandon Spikes Video

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Denis The Menace - Bamboleo (Club Mix)


Bloom Energy Fuel Cell

WORLD NEWS:Bloom boxes are produced from stacks of ceramic plates. The plates, which are made of sand, are painted with special green and black inks. One such stack, or cell, can power a light bulb; 64 can power a coffee shop. These bloom boxes can use any fuel source – gas, plants, wind, solar, etc – to generate power, which would theoretically enable the Bloom Box to operate entirely off the electricity grid.

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Bloom Energy Fuel Cell

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Hadist Arba'in merupakan kumpulan dari 42 hadist yang dirangkum oleh Imam Nawawi. Pada awalnya kumpulan hadist ini terdiri dari 26 hadist yang disampaikan oleh Ibnu Shalah dalam majelisnya. Isinya adalah hadist - hadist nabi yang ucapannya sangat ringkas, tapi maknanya luas. Selanjutnya, Imam nawawi atau yang bernama lengkap Yahya bin Syaraf bin Murry in Hasan bin Husain bin Muhammad bin Jum'ah bin Hizam an Nawawi, merangkumnya dan menamainya Al-Arba'in.

Ada tiga alasan mengapa hadist Arba'in ini begitu istimewa, hingga sampai saat ini tetap dipelajari dan dihafal oleh banyak muslimin.
* Pertama : Setiap hadist yang ada di dalamnya merupakan fondasi agung dalam agama islam yang dinyaakan oleh para ulama sebagai poros Islam, setengah agama, atau sepertiganya.
* Kedua : Semuanya adalah hadist shahih yang sebagian besar terdapat dalam kitab Shahih al-Bukhari dan Shahih Muslim.
* Ketiga : Setiap hadist dibuatkan bab tersendiri sehingga lebih memperjelas makna hadist yang masih samar.
Kali ini, saya InsyAlloh akan dengan terpisah - pisah menulis ulang ke 42 hadist arba'in tersebut beserta penjelasan singkat dan padat agar mudah dipahami oleh pembaca sekalian.

1. Niat, Kunci Amal

عَنْ أَمِيْرِ الْمُؤْمِنِيْنَ أَبِيْ حَفْصٍ عُمَرَ بْنِ الْخَطَّابِ رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهُ قَالَ : سَمِعْتُ رَسُوْلَ اللهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم يَقُوْلُ : إِنَّمَا اْلأَعْمَالُ بِالنِّيَّاتِ وَإِنَّمَا لِكُلِّ امْرِئٍ مَا نَوَى . فَمَنْ كَانَتْ هِجْرَتُهُ إِلَى اللهِ وَرَسُوْلِهِ فَهِجْرَتُهُ إِلَى اللهِ وَرَسُوْلِهِ، وَمَنْ كَانَتْ هِجْرَتُهُ لِدُنْيَا يُصِيْبُهَا أَوْ امْرَأَةٍ يَنْكِحُهَا فَهِجْرَتُهُ إِلَى مَا هَاجَرَ إِلَيْهِ .
[رواه إماما المحدثين أبو عبد الله محمد بن إسماعيل بن إبراهيم بن المغيرة بن بردزبة البخاري وابو الحسين مسلم بن الحجاج بن مسلم القشيري النيسابوري في صحيحيهما اللذين هما أصح الكتب المصنفة]

Artinya :

Dari Amirul Mu’minin, Abi Hafs Umar bin Al Khottob radiallahuanhu, dia berkata: Saya mendengar Rasulullah Shallallahu’alaihi wasallam bersabda : Sesungguhnya setiap perbuatan tergantung niatnya. Dan sesungguhnya setiap orang (akan dibalas) berdasarkan apa yang dia niatkan. Siapa yang hijrahnya karena (ingin mendapatkan keridhaan) Allah dan Rasul-Nya, maka hijrahnya kepada (keridhaan) Allah dan Rasul-Nya. Dan siapa yang hijrahnya karena dunia yang dikehendakinya atau karena wanita yang ingin dinikahinya maka hijrahnya (akan bernilai sebagaimana) yang dia niatkan.

(Riwayat dua imam hadits, Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Isma’il bin Ibrahim bin Al Mughirah bin Bardizbah Al Bukhori dan Abu Al Husain, Muslim bin Al Hajjaj bin Muslim Al Qusyairi An Naishaburi dan kedua kitab Shahihnya yang merupakan kitab yang paling shahih yang pernah dikarang) .

Hadist ini muncul karena suatu sebab. Pada waktu itu para sahabat melaporkan adanya seseorang yang berhijrah dari Mekah ke Madinah untuk menikahi seorang wanita bernama Ummu Qais. Secara zahir apa yang dilakukan sama dengan aoa yang dikerjakan para sahabat. Akan tetapi, niat dan tujuannya ternyata berbeda, yaitu untuk menikahi Ummu Qais. Oleh karena itu, orang itu dijuluki "Muhajir Ummu Qais" ( orang yang berhijarah demi ummu Qais).
"Dan Aku tidak menciptakan jin dan manusia, kecuali agar mereka beribadah kepada - Ku", demikain terjemah surat Adz-Dzariyat [51] : 56. Allah menegaskan bahwa tujuan hidup kita di dunia ialah beribadah atau mengabdi kepada Nya. Benar, itu saja tugas kita. Lalu, tahukah Anda apa separuh dari ibadah itu? ya, separuh dari ibadah itu adalah apa yang diterangkan dalam hadist tersebut karena ia menjadi timbangan amalan batin. Sementara yang separuhnya lagi, yang menjadi timbangan amalan lahir adalah hal berikut. " Barang siapa mengada - ada sesuatu perkara dalam ususan agama kami,yang bukan merupakan bagian darinya, maka ia tertolak". (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim)
Kedua hal tersebut, yaitu niat yang ikhlas dan mengikuti tuntunan Rasulullah merupakan kunci diterimanya ibadah seseorang. Bertolak dari sini, meluruskan niat adalah sebuah keniscayaan bagi kita. ada baiknya, sebelum beramal kita selalu bertanya pada hati kecil ita, "Apa niat saya melakukan ini dan untuk siapa perbuatan ini saya lakukan dan mengapa?". Mengetahui cacatnya niat sejak awal itu lebih baik dari pada mengetahuinya belakangan.
Lalu, apa yang dimaksud dengan niat di sini?? Menurut Syekh as-Sa'adi, niat adalah menyengaja untuk melakukan suatu amalan dalam rangka mendekatkan diri kepada Allah serta mencari ridha dan pahala dariNya. Jadi, sabda Nabi saw, "sesungguhnya setiap perbuatan bergantung pada niatnya.."
Maksudnya ialah amalan-amalan yang berkenaan dengan ketaatanm bukannya amalan-amalan yang bersifat mubah, apalagi makruh atau haram.
fungsi niat ialah untuk membedakan antara kebiasaan dan ibadah. Misalnya, anda duduk di dalam masjid. Ini bisa diniatkan untuk sekedar beristirahat, sebagai bentuk kebiasaan, namun bisa juga untuk beribadah, yaitu dengan niat beriktikaf. Jadi yang membedakan antara ibadah dan kebiasaan antara satu bentuk ibadah dan bentuk ibadah yang lain. Contohnya ialah orang yang mengerjakan shalat empat rakaat. Shalat empat rakaat ini bisa merupakan shalat zuhur ataupun shalat sunnah rawatib. Maka, yang membedakan antara keduanya ialah niat.
Adapun makna sabda Nabi saw, ".. dan setiap orang (akan dibalas) berdasarkan apa yang dia niatkan... " maksudnya ialah setiap perbuatan disesuaikan dengan niat pelakunya. Baik mengenai sah atau rasaknya maupun kesempurnaan atau kekurangannya. Sebaliknya, orang yang beribadah dengan sepenuh hati, maka ia pun akan memperoleh pahala yang sempurna.
Maksud "Barang siapa yang hijrahnya karena (ingin mendapatkan keridhaan) Allah dan RasulNya, maka hijrahnya kepada (keridhaan) Allah dan RasulNya..", ialah seseorang akan mendapatkan balasan berdasarkan apa yang ia niatkan, sementara pahalanya menjadi tanggungan Allah. Contoh konkret pada saat ini banyak sekali. Ambil saja contoh pelajar yang mencari ilmu. Jika niatnya belajar ialah mencari keridhaan Allah, selain akan mendapatkan ilmu dan ijazah, ia juga akan mendapatkan pahala. Demikian pula orang yang bekerja, dan lain sebagainya. Yang terpenting adalah kita harus selalu menghadirkan niat yang ikhlas dalam setiap aktivitas kita. Pun menjauhi hal - hal yang daoat merusakan keikhlasan kita, seperti pamer, menginginkan pukoan dari orang lain, dan mengharapkan sanjungan darinya..
Niat yang baik akan membuahkan hasil yang baik. Dalam kita Shahih al-Bukhari disebutkan " Barang siapa meminjam harta orang lain dengan niat akan melunasinya, maka Allah akan membantu melunaskannya, Sebaliknya barang siapa meminjam harta orang lain dengan niat ingin menghanguskannya, maka Allah akan mengazabnya di akhirat "
Niat ini bisa juga diibaratkan seperti Law of attraction, hukumtarik menarik. Jika niatnya baik maka akan berbalas kebaikan dan jika niatnya buruk akan berbalas keburukan..


1. Niat Ikhlas merupakan syarat diterima atau tidaknya suatu amal perbuatan.
2. Manusia akan diberi pahala atau terhalang dari mendapat pahala atau bahkan
mendapatkan dosa sangat berkolerasi dengan niat yang dimilikinya.
3. Sesuatu yang mubah bisa menjadi bagian dari ketaatan jika diniatkan sebagai
bentuk kebaikan.

Dambil dari Syarah Hadist Arbain An Nawawi dengan beberapa perubahan redaksional. 


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Trott and Broad save England with record stand

SPORTS NEWS:England 346/7 (111.0 ov)
Stuart Broad 125
Jonathan Trott 149
Jonathan Trott and Stuart Broad hit centuries at Lord's on Friday to save England with a record eighth-wicket stand after Pakistan fast bowler Mohammad Amir had blown away the early batting in the fourth and final test.A PAKISTAN TIMES

Trott batted all day to reach 149 not out, adding 244 with Broad (125 not out) to lead England to 346 for seven in their first innings at the close of the second day.


Trott and Broad save England with record stand

Trott and Broad save England with record stand

First Russian U2 gig rocks Moscow

ENTERTAINMENT NEWS:The Irish group performed in Russia for the first time. Tens of thousands gathered to watch the star band filling over 60,000 seats in Luzhniki stadium.A PAKISTAN TIMES

Even the rain that came as a surprise in the capital failed to dampen the spirits of the fans bopping to their favourites. Some of the tickets which had been on sale since January, topped $1,000.


First Russian U2 gig rocks Moscow

First Russian U2 gig rocks Moscow

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ENTERTAINMENT NEWS:Sadia Jahan Prova is a model from Bangladesh who is climbing up the charts very quick. She gathered a lot of fans in the recent days, on the basis of her acting, appeal and photo-shoots. Now it seems, she is looking for some cheap and faster way to gather popularity.

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Badan antariksa Amerika Serikat (NASA) mengumumkan temuan baru yang dihasilkan satelit Kepler, Kamis 26 Agustus 2010.

Kepler menemukan kelompok planet alien, planet-planet yang tak pernah dilihat sebelumnya itu mengelilingi sebuah bintang -- seperti planet dalam tata surya yang mengelilingi Matahari. Temuan itu dinamakan sistem Kepler 9.

Pengamatan dari observatorium Kepler mengkonfirmasikan dua planet seukuran Saturnus mengorbit sebuah bintang -- dalam jarak sekitar 2.300 tahun cahaya dari Bumi.

Mereka juga mengungkapkan kandidat planet yang mungkin sama ukurannya dengan Bumi dalam sistem yang sama.

Mengapa kandidat? Karena keberadaannya belum terkonfirmasi.

Sampai saat ini, para astronom belum mengkonfirmasi apakah ada planet yang potensial seperti Bumi -- dalam arti bisa menopang kehidupan. Namun, analisa awal mengatakan, planet tersebut punya radius 1,5 kali Bumi.

Observasi lanjutan dari sistem planet tersebut akan membantu menjawab pertanyaan adakah kehidupan di luar Bumi.

"Kami berharap dalam beberapa hari atau minggu, kami bisa memastikannya," kata William Borucki, peneliti utama Keppler di

Pusat Penelitian Ames milik NASA, seperti dimuat laman Space, 26 Agustus 2010.

Untuk kali pertamanya, analisis pengamatan Kepler juga dikombinasikan dengan waktu transit dan observasi kecepatan radial untuk memperkirakan massa planet-planet alien itu.

Dua planet terbesar dalam sistem ini yang dinamakan Kepler 9b dan Kepler 9c -- ditemukan memiliki diameter yang hampir sama. Keduanya punya massa dan kepadatan seperti Saturnus.

Namun, dua planet tersebut terlalu dekat dengan bintang -- mirip Matahari, seperti Merkurius yang mengorbit Matahari. Dua planet itu diduga kuat tidak memiliki kehidupan karena sangat panas.

Planet Kepler adalah kelompok planet ke dua yang diumumkan minggu ini. Sebelumnya, astronom Badan Antariksa Eropa (ESO) mengumumkan penemuan 'tata surya' yang terdiri dari tujuh planet yang berjarak 127 tahun cahaya dari Bumi.

Kembaran Bumi?

Para astronot belum menemukan planet mirip Bumi dari observatorium Kepler.

Jika keberadaan planet ketiga mirip yang Bumi sudah ada konfirmasi, planet itu bisa menjadi 'planet terkecil' yang dikenal.

"Kami bisa mengatakan, dalam hal ukuran fisik, ini akan jadi yang terkecil, tapi kami belum mengetahui massanya," kata Matthew Holman, staf direktur divisi teori astrofisika di Harvard-Smithsonian Center, yang mengkonfirmasi temuan Kepper.

Keppler mengungkapkan, planet ketiga ini memiliki radius 11,5 kali Bumi dan memiliki periode orbital sekitar 1,6 hari di Bumi -- lebih pendek dari Kepler-9b dan 9c.

Para peneliti sedang meneliti apakah kandidat 'Kembaran Bumi' mengorbit di bintang yang sama dengan dua planet lain.

"Salah satu pesan dari pekerjaan ini adalah bahwa Kepler membuat kemajuan menuju tujuan untuk menemukan sistem planet yang mirip dengan tata surya kita."

Namun dalam hal kelayakan huni, sistem Kepler-9 mungkin bukan tempat yang tepat untuk mencari kehidupan.

"Planet-planet ini seperti tidak layak huni," kata Holman. Diperkirakan temperatur dua planet terbesar sangat tinggi, sekitar 740 derajat Kelvin (872 derajat Fahrenheit) dan 540 derajat Kelvin (512 derajatFahrenheit).

"Temperatur itu jauh di atas titik didih air, maka diduga kuat itu bukan planet berpenghuni.

Source :


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Tiger Woods Scandal|Tiger Woods Mistresses|Tiger Woods Divorce

ENTERTAINMENT NEWS:The Daily Beast cites close Elin Woods sources in piecing together the clearest picture yet of the Tiger Woods scandal, a.k.a. the most expensive car crash in history.

These sources' details mesh with the more credible accounts of the post-Thanksgiving altercation to date, and we've excerpted some scandalous details here:

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Tiger Woods Scandal|Tiger Woods Mistresses|Tiger Woods Divorce

Tiger Woods Scandal

Tiger Woods didn't have to say a word to get Florida troopers off his case. The same strategy may be harder to pull off when it comes to the tabloid media probing his private life.

The police inquiry into the early morning car crash involving one of the world's most famous athletes came to a close Tuesday, even though Woods refused to talk to the Florida Highway Patrol.

Woods was charged with careless driving, which carries a $164 fine and four points on his driving record.


Tiger Woods Scandal

Tiger Woods Scandal

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Montana Fishburne Playboy

ENTERTAINMENT NEWS:Maybe this will make Montana Fishburne’s dad Laurence Fishburne proud? Montana has done a nude “photo test” for Playboy.

Apparently the test has Montana going completely full frontal nude. However keep in mind Playboy is artistic, so maybe Laurence won’t mind this as much as her porn video, which she completely gets hammered out by a huge dude.

Montana good luck with Playboy. You certainly need the money as its unlikely you’re on Daddy’s payroll anymore!

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5 Things About Cat Cora

HEALTH NEWS:Cat is well known for her skills in the kitchen, and here are 5 other interesting things about this supermom:

1 Cat was born in Jackson, Mississippi, and grew up around food. Her father and grandfather were both in the restaurant business, so it must be in her blood!


5 Things About Cat Cora

5 Things About Cat Cora

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Soha Ali Khan waxing MMS scandal

ENTERTAINMENT NEWS:Over the weekend, Bollywood websites and blogs went into a tizzy with reports of a "Soha Ali Khan waxing MMS scandal" video.

After trawling through several dead links and investigating the matter in detail, we can safely assume that it's a campaign by vested interests with an explicit purpose: to malign the actress.

Apparently, Saif's little sis underwent a bikini wax session at a beauty salon recently. Unknown to her, there were cameras strategically placed in the room that recorded her in various states of undress and in some scenes, from close quarters, says the report.


Soha Ali Khan waxing MMS scandal a dud

Soha Ali Khan waxing MMS scandal a dud

Soha Ali Khan mms scandal

ENTERTAINMENT NEWS:Soha ali khan is in news searches for her MMS scandal most popular going on in the internet. This was private shoot video without her knowledge.

Reportedly, Soha Ali Khan was having her routine waxing session in a beauty salon was caught on camera.

According to a source Soha had gone to a beauty salon for a bikini waxing session. But a hidden camera attached to the salon caught her without her clothes on.


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Soha Ali Khan waxing mms video

ENTERTAINMENT NEWS:After Katrina Kaif’s alleged sex scandal, it’s the turn of the Rang De Basanti girl, Soha Ali Khan. Soha is trapped in an MMS scandal. It is reported that during her routine bikini waxing session in a beauty salon, her naked body was caught in a hidden camera.

Soha Ali Khan waxing mms video

Soha Ali Khan waxing mms video

Soha Ali Khan waxing mms video

Soha Ali Khan waxing mms scandal

ENTERTAINMENT NEWS:Bollywood actress and sister of actor Saif, Soha Ali khan seems to be the latest victim of an MMS scandal. Soha Ali Khan Waxing MMS is the most popular searches going on in the internet.

Reportedly, Soha Ali Khan was having her routine waxing session in a beauty salon was caught on camera.

According to a source Soha had gone to a beauty salon for a bikini waxing session. But a hidden camera attached to the salon caught her without her clothes on. Reportedly the video shows a salon attendant waxing her body and reveals the actress’ naked body.


Soha Ali Khan waxing mms

Soha Ali Khan waxing mms

Soha Ali Khan waxing mms scandal free download

ENTERTAINMENT NEWS:soha ali khan waxing, Soha Ali khan Waxing MMS, soha ali khan waxing mms download, soha ali khan waxing mms scandal, soha ali khan waxing mms scandal video, soha ali khan waxing mms video,Soha Ali Khan waxing mms scandal free download,Soha Ali Khan waxing mms scandal


Soha Ali Khan waxing mms scandal

Soha Ali Khan waxing mms scandal

Soha Ali khan Waxing MMS Free Download

ENTERTAINMENT NEWS:Soha ali khan is in news searches for her MMS scandal most popular going on in the internet. This was private shoot video without her knowledge.

Reportedly, Soha Ali Khan was having her routine waxing session in a beauty salon was caught on camera.

According to a source Soha had gone to a beauty salon for a bikini waxing session. But a hidden camera attached to the salon caught her without her clothes on.

Reportedly the video shows a salon attendant waxing her body and reveals the actress’ Without Cloths body.


Soha Ali khan Waxing MMS Free Download

Soha Ali khan Waxing MMS Free Download

Soha Ali khan Waxing MMS

ENTERTAINMENT NEWS:Soha ali khan is in news searches for her MMS scandal most popular going on in the internet. This was private shoot video without her knowledge.

Reportedly, Soha Ali Khan was having her routine waxing session in a beauty salon was caught on camera.

According to a source Soha had gone to a beauty salon for a bikini waxing session. But a hidden camera attached to the salon caught her without her clothes on.

Reportedly the video shows a salon attendant waxing her body and reveals the actress’ Without Cloths body.


Soha Ali khan Waxing MMS

Soha Ali khan Waxing MMS

Who Won Miss Universe 2010

ENTERTAINMENT NEWS:Who won Miss Universe 2010? After 83 contestants graced the stage in beautiful gowns and skimpy swimsuits, Miss Mexico Jimena Navarrete was crowned the winner of the 2010 Miss Universe contest.

Here is how the top five Miss Universe 2010 contestants placed:

4th runner up: Miss Philippines

3rd runner up: Miss Urkraine

2nd runner up: Miss Australia

1st runner up: Miss Jamaica

Miss Universe Winner: Miss Mexico, Jimena Navarrete

Miss Universe winner Miss Mexico was absolutely stunning during the pageant and seemed almost stunned that she won the competition, but I believed she’d be a front-runner. No… really!


Who Won Miss Universe 2010

Who Won Miss Universe 2010

5 more foreign troops of NATO killed

World News:Up Date About Afghanistan:Monthly death toll for the NATO troops rise to 47 as 5 more lose their lives in an attack by insurgents.
According to the military alliance the attacks came in the north, south and east of the war-torn country. Five foreign troops on Monday, including two Americans, two French marines and a Hungarian soldier were killed.
French Defense Ministry said a lieutenant and corporal were killed in a gunbattle in the Bedraou Valley in the eastern province of Kapisa. Three other French troops were wounded, it said.
No additional information was given about the American casualties.

5 more foreign troops of NATO killed

5 more foreign troops of NATO killed

Miss Universe Winner

ENTERTAINMENT NEWS:Calmly stepping into history and never losing herself in the pressure and drama of the moment, Miss Mexico, Jimena Navarrete, has been crowned Miss Universe 2010, becoming the first Miss Universe from Mexico since 1991 and putting to rest rumors of a curse that had bedeviled other Mexican contestants over the years.

Culminating what has been a renewed & refreshed pageant, full of color, style and grace, the newest Miss Universe seemed destined to win the crown from the moment she took the stage at the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino on Monday night in Las Vegas.

The broadcast began with the parade of typical dresses, showing the pride each of these young women have when representing their heritage and traditions. At this early moment, Miss Mexico’s dramatic ensemble, inspired by the Aztec calendar, drew gasps from the live audience and placed her on the road to victory. Others who shone brightly in this stage of the competition were Miss USA, Miss Panama, and Miss Poland, who some felt may have been a bit too eccentric in her costume.

Miss Universe Winner

Miss Universe Winner

Miss Universe 2010

ENTERTAINMENT NEWS:Meet Miss Universe 2010: Miss Mexico Jimena Navarrete was crowned Miss Universe 2010 during the Miss Universe pageant at the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas on Monday night. The stunning brunette from Guadalajara inherited the title from Venezuela’s Stefania Fernandez and beat out 83 beauty queens from all over the globe — including Miss USA Rima Fakih — on stage in Sin City. In fact, the 22-year-old nature enthusiast defeated favorites

Miss Universe 2010

Miss Universe 2010

Tiger Woods and Elin divorce after sex scandal

ENTERTAINMENT NEWS:Tiger Woods and his wife are divorced after sex scandal according to People magazine.

The lawyers for Woods and Elin Nordegren say in a statement that the divorce became official on Monday in Bay County Circuit Court.

The divorce comes nine months after Woods crashed his SUV outside their home near Orlando, setting off explosive revelations that the world’s No. 1 golfer had been cheating on his wife.


Tiger Woods and Elin divorce after sex scandal

Tiger Woods and Elin divorce after sex scandal

The Big Apple

Saira Banu Telugu Actress

ENTERTAINMENT NEWS:The Examiner is reporting that South Indian actress Saira Banu was arrested for prostitution Monday in Hyderabad, along with several other individuals.

For those not familiar with Bollywood stars, Saira Banu is a Telugu actress who played lead roles in several films.Allegedly she was caught with customers in the high class Kundan Bagh locality, the Pan Asian Biz confirms.


Saira Banu Telugu Actress

Saira Banu Telugu Actress

Chris Kaeser & Maxc Ft Anita Kelsey & Fast Eddie - What We Gonna Do (Original Club Mix)


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Katrina Kaif Smoking Pics

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Katrina Kaif without makeup

Katrina Kaif without makeup

Katrina Kaif in swimsuit free download

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Katrina Kaif in swimsuit

Katrina Kaif in swimsuit

Venus Raj

ENTERTAINMENT NEWS:MANILA, Philippines – Venus Raj, the country’s representative to the Miss Universe pageant, shares her experience during the preliminary competitions.

After walking the ramp in swimwear and evening gowns, Raj had 3-minute interviews with each of the pageant’s 7 preliminary judges, which were not open to the media.

Raj, as well as most candidates, shared that they were nervous at first but eventually enjoyed the experience.

Among the questions asked during the preliminaries are about her hometown, her college course, and as to why she wanted to win the Miss Universe crown.

Venus Raj shares questions from Miss U prelims

Venus Raj shares questions from Miss U prelims

Watch Miss Universe 2010 Live

ENTERTAINMENT NEWS:Watch for the 59th annual Miss Universe beauty pageant to feature more than 80 delegates from around the world – competing in one of the planet’s most popular beauty pageants – when it is televised on Monday, August 23, 2010 live from Las Vegas on NBC Television and Telemundo.

Before the show even has a chance to kick off, controversy has marked this year’s pageant among fans in the US when Miss USA, Rima Fakih, revealed her participation in a topless photo shoot.

Original post @

Miss Universe 2010 Live

Miss Universe 2010 Live

Ritmo Playaz - Sunshine Ibiza (Club Mix)


Max Zotti Ft. O.B. - Kabiria (Kabiria's Night Club Mix


Sri Lanka hammer India to reach tri series final

SPORTS NEWS:All-rounder Thisara Perera’s maiden five-wicket haul helped hosts Sri Lanka to an eight-wicket victory over India on Sunday and a place in the final of the one-day tri-series.

The 21-year-old Perera seamed and swung the ball around on a two-paced pitch to capture five wickets for 28 runs as India choosing to bat first crumbled for 103.

Only Yuvraj Singh, making a comeback to the side after being laid low by dengue fever, offered some kind of resistance top scoring with 38 off 64 balls with five fours and one six.


Sri Lanka hammer India to reach tri series final

Sri Lanka hammer India to reach tri series final

Roshan to play double role in Krrish 2

ENTERTAINMENT NEWS:Hrithik Roshan is reported to be playing a double role in the next installment in the Krrish series. After performing both the father and son roles in Koi… Mil Gaya and Krrish, the actor will play the hero and the villain in Krrish 2, according to The Times of India. A source revealed: ‘Both may be clones of each other.

Roshan to play double role in Krrish 2

Roshan to play double role in Krrish 2

Shakira in trouble with Spanish authorities

ENTERTAINMENT NEWS:Pop queen Shakira is in Barcelona these days for the recording of her new album. During the shooting of her video Shakira was frolicking in a Spanish fountain with fans.

However, she and her crew didn’t obtain a permit from Barcelona authorities, and have been fined.


Shakira in trouble with Spanish authorities

Shakira in trouble with Spanish authorities

Esmee Denters - Love Dealer ft. Justin Timberlake(Sterin Club Remix)


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